A great coate a Close Coat a pair of breeches
2 old p wiggs
7 sheets 4 pillow bears 2 table cloaths 15 napkins
8 shirts 12 waistcoats 5 pair drawers 5 handkerchiefs 4 pair silke
2 pair thred hose 4 laced cravatts & neckcloths 2 pair lact ruffles
together vallued at
A chest drawers and stand
4 caine chaires and 2 tables
2 joynt stooles a cloos stoole
a scriptore and spanish chest
a silver hilted sword and belt
2 old one ___ beavers
a silver headed caine
2 sugar loves 24½ lb
a Bundle sasperilla 14½ lb
one houre glasse
one looking glass
a paire pockett pistolls
a cott quilt and coverlidd
a feather bedd quilt 2 blanketts 4 pillows a boulster
2 li Tea
a bedstead
Iron and earthenwear
a kettle tongue potthooks jack
37 li pewter at 6d
a pcell of remnants linnen and woolen
a paire schales and turtle shell case
a negroe man named Christmas
3/8 pt of the sloop Dragon
261 li turtleshell at 3s6d p pound
4 reames paper
1 caske with 2li sugar
27 yds Holland at 3s6d
the halfe of 93 of virgine silver at 5s6d
48 ounces wrought plate 5s0
5__ 69 __ of wrought gould
__9 ouncs 17 ___ 16:9 __ of gold dust 4li p ounce
1/8 pt of a sloop Dilligance
___ part of a french poynt
____ part of 46 casks spiritts 20 bottles oyle 4li5 _________
3 dozn axes & hoes and ______ provisions
the return of an adventure of Capt Puffe
mony in cash
These following goods on acct. James Cabston
43 ps. callico neck cloths 20s each
52 yds silke & _____ _____ at 20d
11¼ yds flowered gold venecen (?) 7 6 p yd
43 yds taftey at 2s6
76 yds spotted & stopt sattin at 6s
52 yds blu flowered silde at 4s
26 yds stript lutestring at 2d6s
34¼ yds gold and silver lutestring
6 7/8 yds gold flowered sattin 12s6d
3¾ yds blue gold and silver sattin
17 pettycotes valued at
21 mantes (?) gownes valued at
a box printed and paper bookes
a ffrench gunn
These following goods acct Henry Oakes
2 kettles
5 swords 5 belts at
14 bottles oyle
These following goods acct Peter Canston
254½ yds blew linnen at 8
807½ yds white ozenbriggs at 8d
481¼ yds white harfords (?)
567 yds browne ozenbriggs at 9d
1716 yds brown harfords (?)
These following goods acct John Hillersdon
213 yds small thred holland 3sp yd
557½ yds Genghams (?)
20 5/8 yds lace at 4s
These following goods acct Samll Dows
11 yds broad cloth 12s p yd
24½ ditto at 12s
26¾ yds ditto 16s
86 neckloths at 2d6s each
37 ditto at 3s each
4 ps 16d ribbon at 22s each
9 ps ditto at 20s
7 ps 8 ditto at 10s
22 ps 6d ditto at 7s
19 ps 4d ditto at 5s
2 dozn large twezer cases at 7s each
23 small ditto at 5s
These following goods 9n acct Thos Parker
7 ps Pollonia Linnen
These following goods acct Henry Linbry (?)
76 ps Brittania
5 bailes canvas 20li p baile
134 yds C___da canvas 12d p yd
These following goods acct Adwd Hud (?)
3 spanish hatts
2 ditto at 10s each
2 ditto at 20s each
3 ditto at 14s each
These following goods acct Samull Dickens
A caske Hambrewe (?) C_____
One ditto
one ditto
one ditto
35 lines and c_______
These following goods not yet known whose acct they are
2 hatts eaten
5 ps pecotes 25s p ps
9 ps calico at 8s
2 East Indian Pawes (?)
98 pr silk stockings
3 pr ditto at 5s
6 pr silke gloves at 4
1 stipt stuffe
3 R_______ decaied wine
28 doz decayed wine |
03 00 00
03 00 00
02 06 00
05 11 00
00 15 00
01 10 00
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04 05 00
03 10 00
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00 12 00
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00 06 00
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02 00 00
01 05 00
05 00 00
01 10 00
00 13 06
00 10 00
01 10 00
00 18 06
02 00 00
10 00 00
30 00 00
150 00 00
45 13 06
00 16 00
02 00 00
04 14 06
12 15 09
12 00 00
01 00 00
159 10 08
40 00 00
06 06 08
10 14 07
456 19 00
1022 04 00
43 00 00
04 06 08
04 04 04½
05 07 06
22 16 00
01 00 00
03 05 00
12 19 06
04 06 00
04 00 00
25 10 00
55 00 00
09 00 00
02 00 00
01 04 00
01 05 00
01 08 00
08 09 08
26 18 00
10 00 06
21 05 03
50 01 00
31 19 00
55 15 00
04 02 06
06 02 00
14 14 00
21 08 00
10 15 00
05 11 00
04 10 00
09 00 00
00 15 00
01 17 06
03 10 00
07 14 00
04 15 00
07 00 00
05 15 00
30 08 00
100 00 00
06 14 00
01 04 00
01 00 00
04 00 00
02 05 00
06 00 00
08 03 05½
06 12 00
09 13 02
06 00 00
00 02 06
06 05 00
07 12 00
02 00 00
31 17 00
00 10 00
01 04 00
01 00 00
02 00 00
02 10 00
£2771 13 03 |