Inventory of Charles Booker
Vol 3. Fol. 112-113
Charles Booker, Port Royal Merchant
Signed/Sealed May 19, 1688
Thirteene leather chaires an ovell table a cott couch and quilt two feather beads & furniture two gunns two swords a pistoll & catuch box a chest of drawers a small table a chest box & two trunckes two wooden chaires a couch ould a violin and cittorne a looking glass and cabinett six silver spoones three plaine rings one stone ring a gold seale with a stone in it two p of gold buttones two p of gold buckells twenty five shillings & nine pence English Coyne three ounces of old silver a silver catheler cash in the house six pounds sterl an old lookeing glass nine matted chaires two old leather chaires a table & chest with t____ mperty in it a safe two raisers three tables two settles two formes six joynt stooles fourteen leather chaires an elbo caine chaire a p of tables & ____ an ovel table a cott blankett and two old pillowes three table clothes two doz & two ozenbrig napkins nine towells one diaper table cloth seaven p of sheetes eleven shirts twenty foure pillow beares two ozenbrig baggs a remnant of course kenting a remnant of Pluelinians (?) six neckclothes two old basketts five doz & nine coffee dishes twelve coffee plates a parcell of old needles and instruments of netting & _____ drawing Wollen apparell foure yards of ozenbrigs three law books halfe a barrell of flower halfe a chest of soape twelve pound of candles seaven cases of Brandy a pcell of cord twine and networke four pound of tea six dozen pint bottles of Canary a parcell of cases caskes & other lumber foure dozen of glasses twelve pound of coffee berreys a pipe of Madera a case of spirits five punch bowles nineteen pewter potts halfe a punchn of beere a p of scales and stilliards Canns Pipes & sundry odd things fifty pound of pewter a brass kettle coffee potts Brass candle stickes two iron potts two Leilletts (?) a frying pann & gridiron a jack and a spitt tubs pailes and odd lumber two negroe weoman & a negroe boy foure chaires a table a bed stead quilt & comter (?) pann a pcell of lead and bulletts sundry debts standing oute sum |
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