Inventory of John Lewis
Inventory, Volume 9, Folio 104, Public Records Office
An Inventory and aprraisment of all and singular the goods and Chattles rights and credit into in the
Parish of Clarendon of John Lewis Esq. Late of the parish of St. Elizabeth as they were shown to
us John Hale and Samuel Hill by Mrs. John Lewis one of his Executors
Imprimis | 36 negro men at 30 |
1080.00 |
Item | 37 negro women 28 |
1036.00 |
Item | 5 Large Pickaninnyes |
30. 00 |
Item | 13 Small Ditto |
52.00 |
Item | 5 Score of sheep |
50. 00 |
Item | 31 Hoggs |
21.00 |
Item | 3 Beds |
10.00 |
Item | 1 Gold Tooth pick Case |
03.00 |
Item | 1 Cloack |
02.00 |
Item | 1 Casse with silver head |
06.15 |
Item | 1 Hamoccker |
01.00 |
Item | 1 Mahoggany Table |
04.10 |
Item | 10 Chairs |
X0.15 |
Item | 1 Barik¹ |
10.15 |
Item | 1 parcel Dishes (old) |
01.07 |
Item | 16 Dozen D o plates |
01.00 |
Item | X D o Bxxxxx² |
00.15 |
Item | 1 Fxxxbxxxx, First 1 st |
01.00 |
Item | 330 Suger pots |
33.00 |
Item | 3 Ladels and 3 skimmers |
08.00 |
Item | 6 Old Red Jars |
05.00 |
Item | 55 Neat Cattlle |
490.00 |
Item | 25 Horses Mares,etc. |
105.00 |
Total ³ |
£2992.77 |
¹The meaning of this word is unknown as it was not found in the dictionary.
²Though it is not legible, it would make sense that this is bowls.
³There is a difference of 43 pounds from the items listed and the sum total. This inventory was dark and hard to read,
many of the numbers are the best guess that I can make as to what is there. Some are probably incorrect, but the spirit
of the amount is there. A large portion of the 43 pounds could come from the 10 chairs, that amount for that was illegible.
In witness were of was here unto put our hands and seales this third day of April 1712
In obedience to a Dedimus to me Directed I have as ministered an oath to John Hayle and Samuel Hill
pusruant to the Discretion of the said Dedimus as wittiness my hand and seal this third day of Aprill 1712
Signature Ed Pennant