Inventory of Stephen Ducloise
Vol. 3. Fol. 320
Stephen Ducloise, Port Royal Merchant
Entered 1689/90
461 peices of eight at 6
7 halfe peeces of gold
2 peeces ditto
A guiny
a piece of gold vallue
in 5/- mony
2 ¼ oz old silver
20 d wt and 11 gr of gold
2 remnants of copp lace gold & silver
141 French hatts at 6 p
2 castor hatts
6 pieces of black crepe
11 ordinary horne combes
25 fanns
6 pieces of painted callicoe qt 10 yds111 pieces of Brittanicas
400 peices ditto
43 peices ditto
554 at 12
5 ditto at 8
2 gunns catouch box & girdle
4 pieces of course damnified linnen
1 piece of yellow _____ damnified
23 pair of damnified gloves
5 muslin neck cloaths
20 yds cambric holland
10 Spanish Black Caster hatts at 12s6
14 papers of needles
17 barrells of decayed pork
2 pound ditto
7 halfe barrels of pickled pork
1 bad barrell ditto
2 barrells of beefe 1 goode 1 badd
3 hdd & a remnant of tobacco
19 peeces & 6 remnants of roane qt 1619 yds
2 hhd of fish cont Net 2288 decayed at 8 6
40 doz & 8 bottles of oyle at 15 p bottle
15 gall of madera brandy
12 halfe barrls of flowre qt 2442 li at 12 p 100
one negroe boy called Ceasar
waring apparell
5 pieces of poynt Lorran lace 1 Cornet &c 23 peeces of lace more
996li of cocoa |
138 06 00
07 10 00
02 05 00
01 05 00
00 10 00
05 15 06
00 11 03
06 00 00
00 10 00
04 00 00
01 00 00
02 00 00
00 02 06
01 15 00
01 10 00
332 08 00
02 00 00
05 00 00
06 00 00
00 10 00
00 17 03
00 07 06
01 10 00
06 05 00
00 05 00
19 02 06
05 10 00
00 12 06
00 10 00
03 15 00
05 13 00
24 18 06
09 14 05
30 10 00
03 00 00
14 13 00
18 00 00
01 00 00
50 00 00
79 13 06
£1082 01 02 |
Dec 23 1689
Richard Morse
Jos:c Serjant