Inventories of James Hamilton 1699 & 1670
Vol. 5. Fol. 6
James Hamilton, Clarendon Parrish
Entered December 1699
An Inventory of ye goods Chatels of James Hamilton Decd as they were shoewed to us took the 30th day of August 1699 by his wife Elenor excutrix
2 horses 53 pounds of Brass 15s p lb 94 lb of old Puter at 9p p lb An old bed and bedstead An old table curtains counterpain and pillows Another bed with curtains vallins and counterpain And pillows Another bed and bedstead wth 12 pillows in all 3 looking glasses & a droping table of Drawers and an old chest all att 2 tables & 2 benches A chest and stand To 11 chairs A Great Chest 1 table 1 looking glassBrought over A parcel of old bookes |
10 00 00 03 06 03 03 09 00 03 05 00 10 00 0007 00 00 08 10 00 02 10 00 55 00 03 02 00 00 £182 12 09 |
Note: *s were in original; reason for them not given
In obediance to a warrt directed to us from his honor Sir William Beeston Govr Wee have justly apraised the good and chatels of James Hamiton decd as appears by the inventory above mentioned as witness our hands and seales ye day & year aforesaid
John Roswell
Jno Palmer
Exter Mr Gjtb
Vol. 5. Fol. 85
James Hamilton, Clarendon Parrish
Entered May 28, 1700
Brought over
To a Great chest, table and looking glass Total |
52 16 01 [bottom of previous page is missing]
02 10 00 06 05 00 £109 03 07 |
Inobediance to her excellency’s command wee have appraised according to the best of our Judgements the goods and chattels of Mr. James Hamilton decd as they were shewn to us by Eleanor Brownhill alias Hamilton withness our hands and seals this 28 day of May 1700
John Roswell
John Palmer
Extur MR & JTB