In the Parlour
4 Caine Chaires 1 leather chair 1 square tableIn the Dining Room
14 Caine chaires 1 caine couch 1 round table 1 square table
1 scritore 1 looking glass 1 clock
In the room next the dining room
1 caine couch 4 caine chaires 1 Leather chair 1 ould chest of drawers
1 small cabinet 1 looking glass 1 square table one sunn dyall
In the roome over the dineing room
13 caine chairs 1 chest of drawers, 1 dressing box 1 small Tortois Shell box, 1 square table, 1 flock bedd & boulster 1 quilt 1 bedstedd 1 suite of painted curtains & vallains, 1 iron chest, 1 looking glass
In the attic (?) room adjoining to the above room
2 bedds one boulster 2 pillows 1 pr of sad _olour curtins and vallins,
1 bedstedd, 1 square table 3 caine chaires 2 small Haire trunks
one looking glass
In the garrett
1 bedd, boulsters & pillow 1 quilt 1 bedstedd 1 square table,
3 old trunks 3 Leather chaires
In the cook room
For potts Frying panns _______ & other necessarys
Pewter dishes & Plates & other ould pewter
Water caskes & washing tubbs
2 silver tankards 2 Porringers 6 spoones 1 cupp
One stone ring
One pr of gold stud buckls 2 shirt ditto
His wareing apparell both linnen and woolen
5 paire of sheets 2 suites of white curtains & vallins 1 suite of painted ditto 5 pillowboors 5 boulster cases 9 husk (?) bark (?) towells 12 napkins 12 diaper napkins 12 course napkins 5 table cloths 7 course towells
In the Storehouse Chamber
1 Chest 1 pr of greene curtaines & vallins a parcell of old Indian stuffs
1 old scretore 2 saddles, some bridles one paire of bootes
2 small beemes & scales 1 large beame wth Iron Chaines wth 28 Iron weights and 28 £ 14:7:4:2:1 some of the iron weights being broken
45 old printed books
4 old hamakoes
1 gunn 1 pr of pistolls 4 swords 1 cane wth a silver head 1 Tobacco
box typt wth silver 1 Iron bound case & part of 2 cases of old
knives & forkes
A parcell of camlett (?) and stockings moth eaten & rotten vallued at
24 yds of spoled linnen at 15d
8 yds of s____ge at 2s p yard
15 yds of blew linnen at 7d p yd
7 remnants of east indian
6 yards of silke at 109 p yd
6 Rheames of Dam paper dam____ at 5s p Rheame
2 remnants ½ of officer (?) paper 10s p rheame
17 yds ½ of holland at 3s p yard
6 yds ½ of fine holland at 6s p yard
21 yds of white _______ at 8s p yd
12 yds of linnen at 12d p yard
20 yds of silke at 4s6d p yard
7 yds of ditto at 3s p yard
a parsell of old gloves
25 logg hinds (?) at 6d p ps
19 blew shirts at 2s p shirt
At the Pott Worke
3050 Dripps 2000 Potts, 1000 Sefineing (?) Potts & Dripps some being Crackt and 9 stone juggs at 6 p ps
1800 mouth tapers & grating biskes & other Tyles
30000 small bricks at 14s p mill
600 bushells of Guinney corne at 2s per bushell
26 barrells of beefe and mackrell damnifyed at 16 p bar
1 ___ of salt
4 Waynes & 11 Iron Chains & all things belonging thereto
5 halfe barrells of nayles small and great
1 Horse cart 2 pr of wheels and tackling for the horse
10 or 12 Chal____ of Coale
900 sheep & lambes
36 oxen and steers at _6 £ each
4 horses & 1 mule at
16 baggs some old 15 leather chaires 2 joynt stooles 3 table boards 1 bedd & furniture, 2 bedstedds 6 cotts, one brass coldron 6 iron potts 1 chest of drawers 5 pewter dishes & table linnen & sundry small things
12 gunns, some old carpenters tooles, 50 axes 100 Bills (?)
150 howes & some spades & shovells for the negroes
In the Smyths Shopp
1 great anvill, 2 small ditto, 1 pr of bellowes, 4 nayle 5 pr of tongs, 2 great sledges, 4 hammers, 3 vises, 3 or 4 Files 1 hand saw 1 whipp saw 200 £ of old iron 5 old barrells 6 gunns & sundry other small things
14 barrs of iron & 4 steele besides other small things
7 barrells of beefe
1 Barrell of Tarr & sundry in the steward (?) Roome
White servants
Giddon Dawse
William Marshall
Walter Slonan
John Elliot
Henry Glover a Covenant Servant
Andrew Scott
Mary Clark a woman servant
46 men negroes at 23 each
35 women negroes at 20 £ each
23 children at at 8 £ each
6 women & 1 man Madagascar at __ £ each
3 old negroe women at 40s each
At Wagg Water
337 potts 169 dripps at 6 p ps
1 waine 5 yoakes 2 Iron chaines
4 pr Iron Croo__s 3 Iron potts 1 broke 1 frying pan (10s)
1 iron crowe 1 sledge
5 Park saddles
____ new bills
1 cross cutt saw
14 steers at 6 each
8 horses & mares
4 hunting doggs
1 white servant mae Framcos Savage
12 young negroe women at 18 £ each
5 old negroe women at 8 £ each
9 children at 5 £ each
5 old negroe men at 9 £ each
23 good negroe men at 22 £ each
Winefred a House Negroe Woman
Sundrys belonging to the freehold and not usually appraised
Vizt 5 coppers layd wth lead & scimmers & ladles 2 stills 2 wormes
3 iron Rowlers and apurtenances belonging to the mill
One ½ of these 1025£ 19s is Captn Andrew Holloways &
the other ½ is Mr. Daniell Hickes desd and is
Cash found at Mr. Hickes death
(Viz) In English Money
2 half Guineys
In spanish money
Mr. Mathias Goodfellow Acct.
5 ps of Diap cont 150 yds at 20d p yard
John Crofts & John Vanbramell Acct.
2 ps of Holland cont 44 yds ¾ at 2s0d p yd
Mary Scott & Edw:d Bathurst Acct.
2 ps of motheaten Dunlett (?) cont 95 yds at 2s7d p yd
16 pr of silke hose att 9s9d p paire
Godfrey Websters Acct.
9 yds of motheaten broadcloth
John & George Stoberts Acct.
10 ps of stuffe
a pcell of shoomakers tools & some tru__ hoop nailes
John Crofts Acct.
3 ps of Pesotas (?) at 30s
8 ps of Says (?) at 30s
Robert Bodington & Comp
2 ps of greene Says motheaten at 10
14 pr of silke hose at 5s
2 ps of motheaten Cambett
Francis Richards Acct
5 motheaten hatts at 7s6d
Nathan Nicklethwaites Acct
179 pr of silk hose at 6s p paire
Mr. Nicklthwaite & Sonn Acct
1 ps of stuff 1£ & 8 pr of silk hose at 6s p
Henry Hale Acct
8 paires of Maxwell hose wth Topps 9s
7 paire of black silke hose
4 paire of mens starletts hose at 7s p paire
3 paire mens short Maxwell hose
4 doz of mens thread hose at 30s p doz
6 pr of womens silk gloves at 4s p paire
5 paire of mens & 1 paire of womens white gloves
63 scaines of Twine at 3d p scaine
4 beaver hatts out of fashion
Richard Drapers Acct.
1 Pound of Black Silke
8 white hatts motheaten & good for nothing
Henry Hale & James Sothby Acc’t.
7 yds of bone lace at 5s p yard
7 yds of gold and silver do at 5s p yard
7 yds of ditto at 7s6d p yard
14 yds ditto at 9s p yard
7 yds ditto at 14s p yard
3 yds ½ of silver lace at 17s p yard
ps of silke 72 yds at 4s p yard
moth eaten black hatts at 1s6d p
6 motheaten white hatts good for nothing
Freegift Stone Acct.
A pcell of druggs being spoyld sold Dr. Venture for
Quarme & Shattock Acct.
2 boxes _______ p ______ 200 being spoyld
sundry goods left by Mr. Joseph Pare
sundry debts left by Mr. Joseph Pare
A trunk of goods for acct. Joseph Pipon amt to as per Invoyce
A Trunk of Goods for acct. of William Turner amt to as per invoyce
10 ps of gause 2 ps of stuff 5 old shirts 1 p of Drawers 11 pr of
silke hose 7 pr of womens gloves 6 handkerchiefs a parcell of ______ East India Stuffe all motheaten
Pickford & Hickes Acct.
one pipe of sower wine
Mr. John Tulls Acct.
12 Madagascar women 2 boys at 11 £ each
Debts standing out as per Mr. Hickes Bookes good & bad |
01 03 09
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28 07 0½
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512 19 06
01 19 06
01 — 09
631 15 00
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302 15 03
418 16 09
67 11 00
236 18 02
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132 00 00
11784 09 09
£17837 07 04