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Inventory of John Hall

Vol. 3. Fol. 2
John Hall, Port Royal Tavern Keeper
Signed/Sealed March 9, 1686/7


The proceeds of five barrils of ale
The proceeds of seaven boxes of candles
The proceeds of seaven dozen of hose
The proceeds of fifty fores Chees
The proceeds of one cask of butter
his wearing apparrol
Cash found in his chest
Six firkins of butter decayed & unsold at 5s6p
Sixty fore Cheese decayed & unsold at
Debts out standing in the hands of the undermentioned
Henry Lord for three cheese and one firkin butter
Jonathan Everett for two cask of cheese and one flitch of bacon
Gabriell Martin for two cask of butter
Thomas Weare for two firkins butter & one box of candles
Henry Gotting two pr of thred hose

19 18 00
11 12 01
11 12 00
17 07 07
01 15 00
06 10 00
18 17 10
02 05 00
01 10 00
02 12 00
06 03 00
04 08 00
06 07 10
00 06 08
£111 01 00

Thomas Turner
William Goodman