Inventory of John Hardicke
Vol. 1. Fol. 32
John Hardicke, Port Royal Limeburner (see also his will)
Entered May 7, 1675
In obedience of a warrant to us directed from his Excellency John Lord Vaughan dated the 3d of May last past Wee have vewed and appraised the Estate of John Hardicke deceased to the best of our Knowledge and consciences
Desperate Debts
Wm Milliard (?) by Bill James Grant (?) Hunter Nicholas Daniell Thomas Tipton (?) good (?) John Scott Wm Hunt David Nash George Gayner Henry Barrett Bill Assigned Henry Wright |
03 10 00 01 10 03 79 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 00 16 00 01 17 00 68 00 00 04 00 00 30 00 00 £190 13 03 |
Pattents and Bills of Sale
One Pattent 610 acres of land whereof 210 Acres was given to his Grand child John Battery John Spyres (?) sale of land of 74 feet in length & an old ruind Cratch house
An Assignment (Fol. 33)
An Assignement of Phillip Gardner & Nick Roberts of 49 foot square of land on Port Royall
Household Stuffe
One old brass bottle One old Bed, bedstead, & furniture Another old bed and bedstead his waring linen and apparrell Remnants of serge & fustin (?) 3 yards One silver headed Cane One hatt 6 napkins 1 old Hamacoe 12 ounces of old Plate Old Iron and other Trumpery pcell of old Pewter, Brass Candlesticke brass morter & 1 old Smoothing Ironspcell of new Iron workes 1 sett of gold buttons & 1 ring 6 old bookes 4 old Chests another Chest 2 old tables 2 old Chayres & 1 Bench 4 little Iron potts old 2 Spitts 6s pcell of pantiles 5s 5 Negroes 3 men named Jacke Robin & Peter & 2 women Hattalina & Besse Cash Caske Tubbe & a little Tarre Old case wth it 11 bottles pcell Tamy (?) & 2 paire stockins Remnants of woolen in dispute One old Canoo sayle & Graplin pcell of Lime One old morter 2 hens & 1 Cocke |
01 08 00 04 10 00 01 15 00 05 00 00 00 06 00 00 10 00 00 14 00 00 02 00 00 03 00 02 15 00 00 05 0001 05 00 18 13 0001 10 00 02 00 00 00 06 00 01 00 00 01 10 00 01 10 00 01 00 00 00 11 0090 00 00 01 05 00 00 10 00 00 05 00 00 14 00 00 12 00 02 10 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 £318 03 03 |
Wittness our hands and seales this 7th day of May 1675
Wm Jubbe (?) John Martin
Richard Cotten
Appeared this 7th May 1674 the above John Marten and Richard Cotten and made Oath to the above appraisement to be three hundred and eighteen pounds three shillings and three pence
R Willson