Inventory of William Addang
Vol. 10. Fol. 252
William Addang, Port Royal Goldsmith
Entered _____ 2, 1716
Inventory and appraisement of the goods and Chattells Rights and Credits that late where of William Addang of the parish of the Port Royall Gold Smith deceased
To: 1 Drawers of gold smiths tools To: 1 old horse To: 1 Desk and old Chest of drawers To: 3 Chrystall Stone rings To: 1 Gold ring unfinished To: 1 Ounce and half of Silver To: 1 Silver Spoone To: 1 Silver Instrument case To: 3 Silver boxes GW 20 each To: 3 Sin all gold seals at 25/each To: 1 Metall box _____ @ 15/ To: 1 Silver tooth pick case To: 1 Pair of old silver buckles and a Tea Spoone To: 6 pair of false stone ear rings To: 2 false Stone rings To: 1 Cross To: 3 Silver Seals and one pair of buttons To: 2 Silver Chains 15 *0} 1/2 Curatt___ @15/ To: 1 Silver Seale at 5/ and 3 bottels at 7/6e To: forty racors ____L 2-0-0 ____ @ 1£pr To: 1 Old Can set To: 1 parcell of old rust Steel Bats To: 1 piece of Tortess Shell To: 6 pairs of gloves To: 2 Wiggs To: 1 Silver hilted Sword To: 1 parcell of Cloaths and Gunny To: 4 Canes To: 1 Old wigg 7/6 one old work’d wast coat 7/6e To: 1 Ounce 3 penny weight Silver 5/7½ a Silver Dyall 10/ To: 1 Old case and pewter bottels and an old trunk To: 1 Bed pilloe and quilt 20/ an old coat and gowne To: 1 Old book of Mapps To: 3 Dozn of Coat and 5 doz of breast gold buttons To: 4 Ounces of gold thread _____ @ 5/p oz To: 6½ yards of Shalloons _____ @ 2/6p oz To: 3 Dozn Coat & 5 doz breast buttons and mohair To: 3 yds fustian and one yard flannall To: 1 Shirt and houghboy To: 1 third of the sloop the greyhound sold at publick outlay for Cash reced for the here of his Since his death by Samll Vols Mariner In ready Cash when he dyed Cash reced of Mr Henry Sharp To Mr Wolmots hands 1500 hoops at £16 00 00 prMB |
11 12 06 03 10 00 04 05 00 05 00 00 00 10 00 00 07 06 00 08 09 12 10 00 03 00 00 03 15 00 00 15 00 00 15 00 00 07 06 01 10 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 00 00 01 10 00 00 12 06 02 00 00 00 01 03 00 07 06 00 01 10½ 00 07 06 02 17 06 02 05 00 05 00 00 02 10 00 00 15 00 00 15 07½ 00 05 09 02 00 00 00 05 00 01 15 00 01 00 00 00 16 03 00 10 00 00 05 00 00 15 00 80 00 00 40 00 00 45 00 00 11 00 00 09 00 00 £259 02 04 |
A Parcell of goods in the hands of one Stephen Bowermin of New Yorke amounting to Six pounds Seaven Shillings and Six pence
Pursuant to an order from his Excellency the Lord Archbald Hamilton Capd Jamaica &ea we whose Names are underneath being duly Sworne have Inventoryd and appraised all and Singular the goods and Chattells Rights and Credits that late where belonging to William Addang of the Parish of Port Royall Goldsmith deced as they where shewen to us by Elias Dela Maciere his Executor and Administrator and find the same to be of the value of two hundred sixty five pounds ten shillings and ten pence current money of this Island according to the particulars above menttioned. In witness whereof we have herewith set our hands and seales the 2nd of ________ Anno Domi 1716
Charles Knight
Stephen Poinless