Inventory of Capt. William Moore
Vol. 3. Fol. 66
Capt. William Moore
Signed/Sealed April 11, 1688
Inventoried in Port Royall, but of Capt. William Moore late master of the Pink New York, merchant of New Yorke by John Phipps & Samuel Low, Port Royall Merchants
December 23
January 14
By cash recd of William Tyler By ditto recd for a decayed ¼ caske of Malmsy By ditto recd of Paul Rou de Grandmaison for two pipes of Madera Wine |
03 00 00 03 00 00
20 00 00 £26 00 00 |
Port Royall Aprill 11th 1688
John Phipps
Samuel Lowe