Inventory of Hope Allen
Vol. 3. Fol. 350
Hope Allen, Port Royal Gentleman
Signed/Sealed May 26, 1690
2 beds 2 bolsters 2 pillows set of curtains and vallans one bedsted one C_____ one blankett to 1 flock bed 2 pillows to 1 chest of drawers to 5 old caine chaires & 6 old leather chairs to 3 old empty chests 2 of them old to 98¾ of silver at 5 p to 1 desk 1 Spanish razor case to 1 old trunk 1 old coat of arms 1 baskett to 1 old hammock 1 old cott to 3 pr sheets 5 table clothes 13 towells 21 napkins old to 11 pillow bears 7 trimming capps 22 do napkins 12 trimming clothes all old to 6 old shirts 1 pr silk stockings 2 lace Carbvts 4 old round robins To 1 stuff suit of clothes one Riding suit coate ___ gold rings one gold buckle to 2 small tables 1 old stoole to 3 guns 1 Carribine 1 Caduce box to 2 old looking glasses 1 powder box to 11 old cobs & old razors 3 razor cases 1 pr sizors 1 hoane to 5 brass basons 3 earthen ditto to 3 old chaires 1 old pewtr (?) sesterne 1 water jarr 1 old water caske to 3 periwig blockes to 43li½ pewter at 7½ p to 20 li old brass to 2 iron potts 1 spit 1 pr of jacks one grid iron to one servant man named Thomas Gibby one year to serve to 1 Servt man named John Parker 3 years to 1 young negro woman |
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John Campbell
George Carter