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Inventory of Isaac Narvais

Vol. 3. Fol. 41-45
Isaac Narvais, Port Royal Merchant
Signed/Sealed September 22, 1687


21 pces Girletts at p 38 and 21 each:more after the same rate
15½ __ narrow at p 31 each peice
5 piece dito ell wide att p 48 p piece
1 peece of course Holland qt 34 yds att p 2 2
1 pce oland qt 22½ and another qt 22 yds in all 44½ yds at 3 4
1 pce Bagg oland qt 12¾ ells 17¾ yards at p 5
14 yds dito Bagg Holand att p 4
6 pces Blew Linne qt 166 yds att p 7d¾
48 yds dito Blew in several Remnants att 7d½
11 yds of Broad Blew in two Remants att 10d½
7 pces of white ozenbridgs qt 238 yds at 8d½
3 pces ordinary striped creapes at p 25
108 yds of dito Creape in severall peces and other Remnts of stuff rated at
__ p yard all together
1 pce stuff all wasted orange colour
40 ys of dit stuffs in severall Remnants with sume doing at 9
26½ ys Calamito stuf in two remnts att __ 1 6
14 ys Grizett in three Remnants at 1 8
4½ ys heart Camlet of p 4
16½ Creap cheakerd of a greenish colour at p 1 9
4½ pces kentings cours att p 10
2 pces dito kentings of a courser sort att p 8
127½ yds course ticking att p 2
29½ yards of Florence ___nett Striped with Blew and white 4 6
3½ yds dito orange colour att 4 6
1 reame of ordinary paper and halfe reame finer apprezed
15 pr womens sheuse bound round wth gallom at ___
3 pr of womens lace shews very ordinary att 1 10½£
4 pr of womens slippers att 3 6d
16 pr boys shoose 1 6
10 lb of whited borwn thred some of __ Damnified at 3
7½ lb of brown thread at 2 3d
1 pece Serge qt 32½
13 yards of dito Searge att 1 10½
7 peices of White Callicoe of Severall sorts att 22 each pece
5 peices of Ribond severall colours about 4 fingers broad qt 70½ yds in
Remnants at 1
11 pieces all Remnants of figured Ribond qt 115 at 6d
16 Remnants Plain Ribond of Several Breadths and coulers qt yard 281½ att 5d10
halfe peces figured thre peny ribond at 6 3 each peece
8 peeces of 6:peny ribond divers colours att 7 6
22 peeces of 8:peny ribond divers colours at 10 6
3 doble pces each qt 72 yd 3 peny ribond att 11 3
4 peces dito several colours & 28 yds of eqch same all 10d ribond att 13 9 p peece
7½ peeces of Ferrett ribond at 7s6d p peece
5 peeces do all in remnants qt 91½ att 3d
8 peeces Two peny ribond qt 194½ yds att 1½d
5 lb blew thread att 3 3
3½ lb brown thread at 2 6
2 lb whited brown att 3 6
½ lb of coloured thread
5 peeces of sad coloured filiting at 1
8 peeces do white and broad att 3 bitts
5 peeces of broad cotton tape att 4
2 peeces of galoones sad colour at 4
7 peeces of 2d riband diverse colour att 4
2½ Dn of Pimisatt 7 6d
3 Dn and five paks of Cardes att 3 bitts
4 Dn Horne Combs and four boxen ones att
24 yds in severall remnants of Flowered silke att 6 6
50 yds of plain persian silk and some of it flowered
in diverse remnants with some damage att 3 9
14 knives with ivory hafts
9 sizzars & two pound knitting nedles appreazed at
7 fanns at 2 pr peece
1 peece ozenbridges qt 98 3/4 yards att 8d½
3½ peeces of painted calicoes at 16
2 peeces dito course painted at 12
3 remnants dito course painted qt 7 yds att
4 peeces Crapeseels (?) Broad att 20
1 peece dito narrow at 13 9
2 remnants qt 8 yds nickenees (?)
3½ peeces of scotch linnen at 13 9
29 painted handkerchifs course at 1
4 peeces of fine romates at 17 6d
19½ grosse butens silck at 4 4½ p grosse
3 gross and two dozen of silck and silver buttons at 12 6 p grosse
3 gross of buttons gold and silver att 17
22 p wash leather gloves for boys and girles and some of them not fellowes at 7½d
2 peices Bengall at 19
1 Dn of mens thred stockings
25 pr of womens thred stockings at 2 6
4 pr wosted mens stockings at 3 9
25 peices Do womens silck hoze at 6 3
31 pr of dito __lens [Alens ?] at 8 9
14 grosse of white bottons at 12 6D
5 lb of Fine thread of severall sorts & numbers at 10
4 lb of sad coulard silck at 21
1 grosse of close and open narrow tape at __ pr Dn
3 dn & 3 ps of broad holand tape att 12 6 pr Dn
5 Dn of Dito narrow at 7 6d
2 peeces Diaper Tape att 1 3
14 peeces Breed at 5d p peece
53 peeces of Cockscombe Purle att 6d each peece
3 peeces of checkerd Guiny silk white and read att 6 3
14 yds of striped barbers linnen att 1 3
44 yds of broad perpetuana in four remnants att 3 bitts
38½ yds flannel yellow and read att 1 6
21½ yds of purpell bayes att 2 21½ yds
15 yds striped musline att 3
7½ yds white calicoe at 16d
7½ yds of sad coloured fustian at 10d
24 white hoods stained and damnified at 2
18 dito hoods black small ones att 3 9
15 yds of narrow leace in several peeces & remnants at 2½
18 yds ½ broad corbateen lace att 5
45½ yds dito middlesize at 2 3d
12 pair of womens slipers att 2 9d
40 lb of white starch att 3d p lb
a halfe barrel powder
4½ lb nutmeggs att 8 6d some worme eaten
2 chest soape grose 330 t 50 lb forboath nea__ 280 lb at 50 __ hundred ____ ___
109½ fanshenbld Plate viz 2 cupps 2 Dn of spoones and Pr of Pomegranetts hung
with bells that is used for ornament in our Sinagoges att 5
The bells are to be deducted being left as a pawne, weight 42 oz at 5
A negro man named Sezar 3 negro women named Roose, Ianella and Diana, with
3 piquenes not exceding Two years old and a negro girl named Anica all to the
numbr of Five valued at L 21
A Bay horse in hand and a mare running in the Savana
05 07 06
00 19 04½
12 00 00
03 13 08
07 08 04
04 08 09
02 16 00
05 03 04
01 10 00
00 09 07½
08 08 07
03 15 00


05 08 00
01 00 00
01 10 00
02 00 09
01 03 04
00 18 00
01 08 10½
02 05 00
00 16 00
12 15 00
06 12 06
00 16 00
00 09 00
02 06 10½
00 05 07½
00 14 00
01 04 00
01 10 00
00 17 07½
03 10 00
01 04 04½
07 14 00

03 10 06
02 17 09
05 17 03½
01 11 03
03 00 00
11 11 00
01 13 09
03 02 10
02 16 03
01 02 10
00 16 01
00 16 03
00 07 00
00 07 00
00 01 06
00 05 00
00 15 00
01 00 00
00 08 00
01 08 00
00 18 09
00 06 04
00 12 06
07 16 00

09 07 06
00 08 00
00 08 00
00 14 00
03 09 11
02 08 00
01 04 00
100 07 00
04 00 00
00 13 09
00 06 00
02 08 06
01 09 00
03 10 00
04 05 03½
01 19 06
02 11 00
00 13 09
01 18 00
01 16 00
03 02 06
00 15 00
07 16 03
01 06 03
01 15 00
02 10 00
04 04 00
03 12 00
02 06 02
01 17 06
00 02 06
00 05 10
01 06 06
00 18 09
00 17 06
04 02 06
02 17 09
03 04 06
02 05 00
00 09 01
00 06 03
02 08 00
03 17 06
01 04 00
04 12 06
05 02 04½
01 13 00
00 10 00
02 00 00
01 08 03
07 00 00

27 07 06
10 10 00

105 00 00
12 00 00

Memorandum of debts confessed in the book No. 3 as foloweth Henry Whatts
Harther Jenner
Henry Beak
Phillip Roberts
John Crap
John Shirleworth
George Booth ___
Captn Joh Fisher
John Flavel Esq.
Joh Mallet
Josias Banek
John Molicam
Hon. Houdins
Peter Colms
Coll. Robard Verng. eesq.
Richard Crippes
Roberd Alprise
Roberd Shettleworth
Samuell Walle
Thomas Alprise
Roberd Briscoe
Steven Jackson Sur
James Bartlet
Thomas Fisher
Richard Pusy

In the Boock N. 4 as Viz
Robard Baris _______
Thomas Abraham
George Shetleworth
Ledey Borras
Michaell Lashinton
George booth Senior
Thomas Meecham
James Townes
John Grant
Doctr. Corneles
Roger the negro man
Michall the French Taylor
Sande More
Hough Persifall
Elizabeth Clark
James Hans
Mother Barrif
James Beck
James Hoggins
Balle Monday
Rose the negro
Elizabeth Peson
William Barnes
Sarah Papelo
Thomas Edwards
Elizabeth Arandel
Ann Brisco

Memorandum of debts not confessed broght over from the other side in the Boock No. 3
George Housborne
John Aldred
Madam Knights
Capt Robert Smart Esq.
Robert Barret

In the Boock N. 4
Agustin Meale
Jacob Gabay
Thomas Keley
Samuel Phillips
William Hinckston
John Gaadge
Mathy Gale
Thomas Robinson
Thomas Huith
Dor Humphri Moning
Robert Francklin
Raphel aBendana
Martin Gubieres
Thomas Robarts
Thomas Heales
John Denis
Mary Hurth
Mother Alprise
Aniboche the negro
Thomas Boole
Clara the negro
To one Bound of John Maine
One bound of Robert Colson
One bound of Do. Banning
One bound of Conileos Willikin
Redey Money in the hand sof M. Moshe Yesurun Cordofo
Redey money recd.
In gold and redey money reced for goods
To his ¼ parte of several negros sould to several persons which remaines still due £722: his ¼ part amounting £180/10/0 where of his to be deducked Dr. Manings bounds of £27/0/0 Alredy charged

To his halve part in bound of James Tounes for £164 to be paid the 27 February £1020 13 06½

signed, errors excepted
Abraham David Gabay
Mordecay DeSilva

(Note: both signatures have crest/shield symbols after)

with an addendum
-invoice of goodes shipped home to London in Captain Samuel Jones ………………341 00 00
-By few debts at Black River due to the said deseased due the bonds made in Joseph Arary’s name…………..16 08 1½

Witewood the 22th of Sber 1687

£2378 01 08

Note: The final total is wrong by £1000. Should be £1378 01 08. May be a transcriber’s error