Inventory of Thomas Piper
Vol. 1. Fol. 190
Thomas Piper, Port Royal (see also his will)
Entered November 20, 1677
A true and perfect Inventory of the goods & Chattles Rights & Creditts of Thomas Piper deceased taken & appraised the 15th Day of November 1677 by us whose names are under Written Vizt:
In Gold Mony In silver mony of pottosi (?) & Mexico coyne In pillar mony more In pillar mony more. 254½ oz. of plate at 5s. ye oz 15/16 of an ounce of gold at 217 pound of pewter old at 7½ p one close stoole & pan at 65 pound old bras at 7½ pd 3 Iron potts old at 2 jacks at 2 Iron dripping pans at 1 bras & 3 Iron old frying pans at 1 old pr tongs 1 gridiron 2 Andirons 1 Cole (?) Iron 3 sad irons & 1 box Iron 2 heaters at 3 Iron trivots at 3 spitts old 2 tin puding pans a woodn pieplate 1 pr old belows 1 Iron chafin dish 6 old knives at 3 doz. empty glas bottles & about ¾ of a bus: of salt 1 fowling pc at 7 pound of lead wts & a pr bras scales at a pcell of old Carpenters tooles 5 tables in passage roome at 1 old Chest & a box 20 leather chaires at 5s. pr 6 joint stooles at 2 large tables & carpet at 1 feather bed bolster 3 pillowes 1 blanket & quilt old wth bedsted curtains & vallens 1 feather bed bolster 1 bedsted very old 1 looking glass at 1 grindstone A pcell of old ropes & blocks in ye yard at 5 ducks & 14 hens & cocks at 15d pr 1 water cask & 4 washing 2 trays 1 large looking glas at 1 do ordinary 3 globes glasses & 2 pr of glas cruses (?) 6000 pins and ½ a pound brown thred & pc & remnt of holland tape pc of opne (?) tape & brade at 1 pound nutmege & about 3 black & wt pepper & a small pcell of cloves & mace a small nest of drawers for spice ye child 3 old black hoods a neck scarfe a laced Susans scarfe 3 old masks & a small box at cloths 1 childs wt sarconett hood & 2 sute (?) hd knotts & ____ 3 ells wt sarconett at 3 pentado frocks 10s. 2 gowns 2 peticoat and pr of stayes 40s. 5 shifts 1 frock 2 petticoate severall pr of small linen of ye child at 8 pr of childs old stockins at 2½ doz of new napkins ozenbrig at 9 new ozenbrig towells at 22 old diapr napkins at 24 very old ozenbrigs do 12 do at 3 doz: new diapr napkins & 2 tablecloths of 4 yd long each & 1 towell 8 old table cloths 7 pr & an od sheet at 15 pr small & large pillowbers at 12 towells severall sorts 2 old cubbard cloths at 8 shirts of Thomas Pipers owne 6 pr holland drawers & sliders at 10 neckcloths & 8 ordinary handcherchfs 2 pr of mans silke hose at 4 pr old ozenbrig thred hose 4 camlet coate lind wth silke 18 laced Quaines (?) at 17 handcherchfs & a pr sleeves at severall small linens & 2 remnts ribons 6 old blew aprons at 4 pr old thred hose at 2 pr silke ditto 10 woomans shifts at 6 wastcoats & 1 holl: petticoate 4 pr 28 6 woomans aprons at A serge mantle & 3 blankets 2 pincushions 40 childs clouts (?) 2 mantles at 1 East India pillowber a prcll of small childs linens at 2 new sutes child bed linen 1 wom. stuff gown & petticoat wastcoat (?) 1 peticoate & a mantle at A new gown 3 petticoates a riding hood at A sute of curtins vallens & 3 cushins 1 chest of drawers at A counterpane & pc callico 1 pc of white callico at A bed bolster 2 pillowes a blanket and counterpane sute curtn vallens & bedsted 12 napkins at 2 small tables 8 old napkins at 1 trunck & 3 chests at 2 cases for liquor & small trunck at 2 cases of old knives at 1 pr of woomans shoos at 1 hatt & case at 3 old hamocks & 2 old pillows at 8 old bookes at A wicker baskett & 2 powdr hornes at 15 hides newly in ye fat & 19½ hides tand is 34½ hides at 11s. pr 49 sheeps skins at 12d. pr 4 calves skins & goates skin at Leather of other peoples in ye tan fatts 77½ hides newly into ye fats at 2s. pr 46 hides tand & almost tand a 6s. pr A pcell of refuge leather of J. Wilmott in ye fats being abo: 18 hides & pc at 2s. pr A pcell of tan fats at A Canoo at the lease of the house he lived & died in being for 7 yeares to come 5 dogs 4 Negro men at 20 pound p head is 1 old negro woman for 5 years service atDebts sperate & Desperate Viz: Michaell Wheeler p Bill Clemons Richardson p Bond Edward Bates Bond for John Bathurst for Wm Pursly & share (?) for Ballance of Amt John Willmott p Booke Geret Landerson p Booke John Waite Bowden Clawsen Thomas Hooby for Bate Andrew Reed p Booke John Parrott leaft to paye John Griffith p Booke Edward Green leaft to paye William Wilkinson for a calve skin Andrew Sangley for hare (?) (160£. 2s.) for all sumes his |
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By virtue of a warrant of appraisement to us directed from his Exncy John Lord Vaughan Wee have according to the best of our Judgmts & Consciances Inventoryed & appraised all & singular ye goods, Chattles of Thomas Piper deceased as they were showne unto us by Wm Shettlewood and Rowley Titchborne his Executors, which sd Inventory Amounts to the summe of Seaven hundred pounds & Eight shillings as Wittnefse our hands and seales this Twentieth Day of November One thousand six hundred seaventy & seaven
William Pusey
Roger Atlee