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Inventory of James Lynch

Vol. 3. Fol. 244-245
James Lynch, Port Royal
Signed/Sealed March 5, 1688/9

. . . . to administer an oath unto Captn. Robert Phillips and Walter Frentsh merchant. . . .


William Tyler _______ for ____ sold
John Wooley
Morris Cayny Ball. of an acct atknowledged by
Wm Lynch in his lifetime
Charles Sadler
John Griggs
Wm Daniell
Robert Phillips
Redmund Magragh
Edmward Pusey
George Sonham
a small chest two old wiggs & a prayer book
a pr of plaine silver shoo buckells
2 pr silver & a pr of stone shirt buttons

50 07 06
14 00 00


24 00 00
04 00 00
18 00 00
10 00 00
130 05 00
10 00 00
03 10 00
03 10 00
00 15 00
00 05 00
00 03 00

£146 05 06

Robt Phillips
Walter French