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Inventory of Francis Randolph

Vol. 3. Fol. 32-34
Francis Randolph, Port Royal Merchant

Signed/Sealed April 12, 1687

The right honourable Hender Molesworth Esq. Lt. Governor and Commander in chief of this his Majestys Island of Jamaica and all the territoryes there on Depending ordinary and sole judge for Probatt of Wills and granting admstrations So Edmund Edlyne and William Randolf and Daniel Hinkes of Port Royall Merchants Groo__ing Whereas Rebeckah Randolph Relict of Francis Randolph late of Port Royal Merchant Decd. Intestate hath made her application unto mee that all accompts relating to her said Decd. husbands estate might be audited & admstred with John Nicklaes and James Shayfer merchants unto whom upon her on initiation Administration of all Singular the Goods Chattells & Credits of the said Francis had been . . . .

The list details expenses ‘to cash for funerall’ caskets, reports at Grand Court, law charges, list debts, drawing up bills of sale for the barque Companion, for the barque & sloop, taxes, wood water & dyett for the negroes for 23 dayes, good stuff . . . .

£1815 08 08½

Note: There follows several other pages of debts, etc. including ‘Debts standing out in Virginia’