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Inventory of William Davis

Vol. 3. Fol. 297
William Davis, Blacksmith
Signed/Sealed November 21, 1689

Note: The inventory does not state that Davis is from Port Royal, but his administrator is John Towne, a Port Royal merchant 19th July 1689

Inventory of the goods and chattles Rights & creditts of William Davis Blacksmith dec.d as showne us the appraisers by John Towne of Port Royall Merchant Administrater. In testimony whereof wee have here by put our hands & seales this 21 day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Eighty & nine.


One white boy for five years
One negroe man
One old anvill
Another old anvill
One beame with scales & 2li 2 qt in weight
one grinde stone & handle
One pr of walking bellowes
A smaller pr of bellowes
Nineteen pr of tongs & a pr of pincers
2 slices & 2. hearth staves
11 old ffiles worn out
A large haft ffile
13 hammers 6. sledges
26 naile tooles & bolt tooles 112
a pc of Vick Iron
37 chisells & punches
A Wooden Crane
2 old vices
A pr of callipers
a parcell of other small tools
A copper ladle & woden shovell
3 old decayed Jacks
Another decayed Jack & weight
An old Pick Axe
Coales 2. Chaldron ½ att. 47 __ Chaldron
2 New Malks (?) 37 li at 9dj p
A pr of compasses
2 new iron pitch pott
A stake for thimbles & a stake for nailes
An old axe
6 Anvill blocks
A Horse for cloathes
A Wheele Barrow
A trough
Staples, rings, forelockes thimbles small bolts & 3 graplins
weight nailes at
Tackle hookes Marle speeks, heads & strapps of pump speares spindles
of vanes & pump bolts pott racks, hooks & hinges Cross garnetts Chest Gimalls
Bolt staves
New unwrought iron
A new anchor not finished
An old iron tiller
Old Iron
A boome iron canoa irons small hooks hold fasts hasps & other small things
3 pr of graines at 3d each
7 harpoones at
a looking glass & 3 brasses
A bed bedstead boulster 3 small pillows a pr of curtins, Counterpane
coverlett & a pr of sheets
6 old lowe chares at 3 p
A chest of drawers
A trunck & Balls
wearing apparell
Joyned stooles 2
A Chest
A pr of small brass scales & weights
Two small pr of scales & weights for money
A Postle Pott a half pinte & a funnell
A case & 11 Bottles
Pewter 25 li at 7d½ p
Another small case & bottles
files 32
Ditto 5 small ones
Gimlets 20
3 Ozenbriggs Jacketts 1 pr breeches
2 pr Negroes breeches
17 yds blew linnen
7 quires ordinary paper
2 remnants of Ribbon
3__ ½ of ordinary soape
1 doz ½ small horne combes
A Remnant of fflowre & Peafe (?)
A Standish [a stand or case for writing materials]
A small parcell of tooles & lockes
An ovall table
2 Formes
A safe
3 small nests of drawers
a Parcell of old books
An Old Flock bed, bedstead bolster 3: feather pillows 1 sheet & counterpane
2 pr of sheets a table cloath & 12 napkins
An old chest of drawers
A good chest
A small table with a drawer
2 cotts
6 Handles of sledges
37 __ of brass at 9d
An iron pott & pott hooks
2 brushes an old pen knife a hone & a halfe houre glass
A boll? Mortle P__ t
A pr of Jacks a trivett & pr of tongs & a spitt
Earthen ware
7 Horse locks
A prcell of 6d & 4d nailes

08 00 00
22 00 00
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00 01 10½
05 18 09
00 10 04
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00 03 00
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08 09 04
04 19 00


07 01 00
09 02 07
09 07 00
02 09 01½
01 15 06
05 13 03
01 15 00
00 09 00
00 05 03
00 02 06

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00 10 00
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00 07 06
00 15 07½
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00 01 05½
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00 03 06
00 15 00
00 01 03
02 00 00
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00 15 00
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01 07 09
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00 01 03
00 01 00
00 — 03
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£151 11 06

James Rowe
Wm Nicholes