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Inventory of Samuell Coulson

Vol. 3. Fol. 246-247
Samuell Coulson, Port Royal
Signed/Sealed March 27, 1688/9

. . . . administered the oath of Mr. William Darrington & Capt Robert Wrand. . . .

Printed books in English
In folios 8 volumes }
In Quarto 24 Books
In Ortavo 8 Bookes }07 00 00
Printed Books in Lattin
In Ortavo 8 Bookes
5 setts of large Royall Legers & Journalls bound in Vellum28 10 09
14 ditto large & medium Legers & Journals bound in Vellum
26 09 06
6 large Alphabetts in Vellum }
16 ditto in Parchment }01 06 03
Two books sold the price we know not
Tinn Ware
A Dozen & 4 small lamps01 11 00
7 double ditto00 03 09
7 small lanternes00 08 09
2 small candlesticks00 01 00
4 pudding panns00 01 06
15 yards of Course Damnifyed holland01 02 06
10 yards of Pinsk Colour silver Ribbond
2 yards of yellow ditto00 12 00
one beame scale & waites00 15 00
two half barrels not in the acct.04 09 10
10 Pockett books00 09 04½
1 Horse in posession of Cole Newell08 00 00
To cash in Mr. Richards hands08 00 00
4 yards & ½ of Tinsey Lace (?)00 11 03
one mourning ring }
one stone ring }01 07 06
Dry goods remaining
7 Mounteer capps00 04 4½
4 peises & 2 remnts of S___y lace01 00 00
5 remnts of callicoe & 1 peise00 17 06
1 peise of slight silk00 12 00
1 gunn01 15 00
3 pr of old silk stockings00 15 00
4 old coates & 4 old pr of breeches02 00 00
3 old Brushes (?)00 10 00
1 Child couch00 12 06
1 scriptore09 00 00
4 Truncks & 1 at Passage Fort03 02 06
one old Cittorne & case00 15 00
2 old hatts00 10 00
1 box wth waites & scales & 1 silver scale00 12 06
26 remnts of ribbon
32 baggs of flower qt 5000 £ at 3 909 07 06
In the Scriptore
12 old per ____ es
one shirt ruffle wth lace }03 00 00
one laced cravatt }
one laced pr of ruffles }01 10 00
one round robin }
one stript shirt }00 03 09
one pr of thread hose00 02 06
4 pr of old ruffles00 02 00
1 Remnt of Gymp & 2 of Tinsey lace00 12 06
a Ball & ½ of wax00 01 10½
one old00 05 00
a snuff box & 5 needle cases00 07 00
Benjamin Bouldith abt 2 years to serve14 00 00
Debts as appears by the books maintaine796 13 06¼
£924 15 11¾

Wm Dudington
Robt Rand