Inventory of Josia Warner
Vol. 3. Fol. 66-69
Josia Warner, Port Royal
Signed/Sealed April 6, 1688
as it was apprais per John Stevenson and Roger Atly December 1687
3 Tables 6 Chairs 1 couch 6 Chairs at 5s 1 couch 20s 2 Bedds and boulster fethers bedstead 2 Hamakers old 2 old hatts 6 ps Pycotes at 20s 1 ps Callico a parcell of waring apparell 9 yards fustin a ps motheaten perphianos a pr shainy hose 32 yards crimson silke 15 yds stuff at 15d p yard 1 old sword and belt 1 ps black callico 11 yards Lam (?) grane peretuary a pcell thread 2 trunks and Linn (?) a Box Waites Scales Blow Pann 1 ps Kentin 1 Byonett 1__ ½ Cloves (?) [Cloaes] at 1 p 1 Case Instruments 6½ wtt golde at 4s p penny wtt Spanish mony English mony 7 __ Silver at 5s 1 Scretore at 1 Old pres at 15s 1 old Table 1 small looking glass and brush 1 large ditto Cravatts 13 7 handkerchers 5 shirts at 2 Do napkins pillobares &c 2 pr sheets at 12s6d p par 3 table clothes 1 chest drawers at 40s 2 old gunns at p ps 7s6d 2 Lether Chaiers 1 bed bols pillows quilt bedstead 1 looking glass att 6 blank books & alfabet 20s a parcell of printed bookes candles 8 li at a desk Seamens Implymts Cords Pewter and Brass 60 li at 9½d p li 2 firkins butter at 5d p ct 1 pr tables blew linning 6 ps 27 28-2 38-1 26-1 188 ¼ yard at 9d½ 31 3922 25 3 ps 72 at 6sp 25 Negros Clothes Brown Ozenb. 3 ps Canvis 52 ¼ yards at 8d Port Royall Debts on the Tannig Trade good & bad about |
01 15 00 04 00 00 02 10 00 10 10 00 00 15 00 00 15 00 06 00 00 00 12 06 02 00 00 00 10 00 00 10 00 00 03 09 00 14 00 00 18 09 01 10 00 00 10 00 00 07 06 00 04 06 00 15 00 01 00 00 00 12 06 00 05 00 00 15 00 00 10 00 01 06 00 00 01 01½ 00 04 03 01 15 00 02 10 00 00 15 00 00 05 00 00 02 06 00 15 00 01 00 00 00 07 00 01 00 00 00 11 00 01 05 00 00 10 00 02 00 00 00 15 00 00 05 00 05 00 00 00 10 00 01 00 00 02 00 00 00 09 00 01 00 00 00 05 00 01 17 06 00 05 00 01 00 00
05 17 04 01 16 00 07 19 04 01 19 04 226 19 03 805 14 13 350 00 00 £1832 03 09 |
. . . . then goes on to say besides the abovementioned goods vallued . . . . 1832 pounds three shillings more to a total 2637 pounds 18 shillings 8 pence as witness our hands and seales this sixth day of Aprill 1688
John Stevenson
Roger Altee