Inventory of Richard Smith
Vol. 6. Fol. 153
Richard Smith, Port Royal Tavern Keeper
Entered July 26, 1705
A true Inventory and apprasail of all & singular the Goods and Chattells which late were of Richard Smith Late of the
Parrish of Pt Royall Tavern Keeper Described as they were shone unto us the Apprasers hear under Named
In the Fore Roome
Two formes one Table one Stoole One Silver Marked R S The Roome next the Cook Roome Two Stools & one Locker & one Jar (?) Frame One spell (?) of LathsAbove Stareis One box of Candles One pair of Brass Scales (?) weights Halfe an Old Wherry One pair of old Scales & Beam and nine ___ weights One New Iron Beam and Ropes One Bed and Bolster One Cott and Collom (?) One old Chest One Table Five Brass Cocks Nine Pewter Potts One Pewter Pann One Crane and Cock One Funnell Old Timber One Hundred Weight of Rosom A last (?) of Shingles Two thousand A Plei __ of Old Timber A Billiard Table two [Roasting] sticks & six balls One hundred sixty nine Gallons Lyme Juyce at 9/12 per gallon One hundred forty eight ounces & a halfe of plate (?) at ___ ounces per ___ (see note below) One Negroe Man called Clin[ssionre] wth a Lame foot |
00 15 00 00 15 00 01 00 00
00 10 00 03 02 06 — — — 15 00 00 335 00 00 £484 02 09 |
Note: Neither the value of the 148½ oz. of plate nor the value per ounce could be read, but by subtracting the value of
the number that could be read from the subtotal in the inventory, it appears that the value of the plate should be £46 14 09.
Wee Daniel Griffin and George Ingellbor (?) – Apprasers chosen and Apointed to Inventory and Apprase all and Singular this ____ and Chattles Rights & Credits of Richd Smith Late of Port Royall Tavern keeper according to our Oaths have Inventoried and Appraised the Goods in this Inventory Apprasal as they were shone Unto us by Georghe [O’Nunn ?] his Exor And to the best of our Knolgd the value of Four Hundred and Eighty four & Two shill & Nine pence witnesd on this twenty sixth day of July Anno Dom 1705
Daniel Griffin
George [Ingeles]