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Inventory of Charles Cresso

. . . . an oath unto Samuell Lowe and Phillip Harris of Port Royall Merchts. . . .

Cash found in his chest received since his death at severall times to this day 28th of June for wines then in the cellar
Ditto in a small Box 2 ½ French Louis d’or
Ditto in coyned moneyIn the 2 Rooms Below Staires
4 old tables att 5s p
6 old chairs att 2 16 p
6 old Cane chairs att 2 6 p
A cott a couch & a earthen Jarre Wth a frame all oldIn a Cedar Dress below
Waring apparell
12 shirts
8 pair of white stockings
7 pillow bears
5 pair of plaine ruffles }
7 plain neckclothes
2 white handkerchiefs
1 old periwig all old being valued at
A Cedar Dress
SumIn another Cedar Dress below staires
3 doz 9 napkins
1 doz 3 towells
1 pr of sheets } all valued at
3 Table cloths
2 pr of shoes
A Cedar Dress

In a Room Above Staires
2 Tables
6 Leather chaires old } all valued at
a cotton hammack

In one of the Parretts
6 printed pictures
3 quirks of printed paper
3 doz of green glasses
A barrell of decayed corks

In his lodging chamber
A cedar Dress
2 looking glasses
a diaper table clothes & 1 doz old napkins
2 pr of blew silk stockings old
2 waste belt & sword
2 old hatts
a bedstead feather bed 2 bolsters 3 pillows curtains & 2 vallins
all Damnified
A table
A Gun
A silver headed Cane
2 £ of Nutmeggs Damnified
6 glass cupps
3 small pictures
40 £ of soape
Dishes Potts & Plates qt in all 94 £ at 7½d p £
3 brass kettles & broken candlesticks qt 66 at 12d
A white woman servant the remaining part of her time valued at
a Negro boy called Nero
one ditto called Cesar
a girl called Daphne
25 old & empty casks
a safe
46 doz of clarett of which 26 doz 11 sower remaines 20 dozen at 10 £
2 doz Sower sider
3 doz Canary att 15
2 ditto Rhenish at 15
a Barrell of Beefe
a halfe barrell of flower
a percell of lumber Viz Tubbs, piggins, funnells gimletts hammers
6 empty old cases
2 gallons of brandy
curtins & Iron rods for windows

three tankards
4 porringers
12 spoones
12 forkes
1 childes spoone }
3 silver boxes
3 salts
A silver Marke for Negroes
3 silver coate buttons qy in all 172 oz at 5£6 p oun
20 doz 3 silver buttons qt 23½ oun at 5£6 p ounce
Waring Aparell Vizt 2 coates, 2 pr of breaches
4 pr of gold shirt buttons
a pr of gold shoe buckles

88 17 06
02 10 00
13 00 00
01 00 00
02 15 00
00 15 00
00 17 06
03 18 09


00 15 00
04 13 09

02 16 03

00 15 00

03 10 00

00 10 00
00 01 03
00 05 00
00 12 06

01 10 00
00 12 06
01 10 00
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02 00 00
00 07 06

04 00 00
00 07 06
01 00 00
00 15 00
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00 05 00
00 05 00
01 00 00
02 18 09
03 06 00
02 00 00
16 00 00
14 00 00
14 00 00
02 10 00
00 07 06
10 00 00
00 10 00
02 05 00
01 10 00
01 00 00
01 00 00
01 00 00
01 10 00
00 10 00
00 05 00

47 06 00

06 09 03
03 05 00
02 00 00
05 12 00

£274 05 09

Samuel Lowe
Phillip Harris