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Inventory of Jobe Newberry

Vol. 3. Fol. 335
Jobe Newberry, Port Royal
Entered 1689/90


In the Hall below staires
One table and forme
nine Jamaica made chairesIn the first roome above staires
One table and two formes
6 jamaica made chaires
2 old chests
2 net worke hammackoes

In the chamber above staires
One feather bedd and furniture
6 turkey worke chaires
1 side table wth drawers & coverled
2 old bibles 3 old P_____ bookes
1 chest of drawers & looking glass
1 old chest & several trunckes
1 candle & 2 pillowes
6 pottengers, 13 spoones, a great tankard
1 suite of cloates, sword & ____ belte
2 old coates one riding & wearing one
1 Diap Napkin and table cloath
3 paire chooes 5 paire pillow cases ______ worn
1 sadle holster & furniture & Pistolls carbins sold for

In the Cellar below
1 P rume
½ of a ____ of sugar
1 pair of pistolls
One pr of stilliards 2 pr of schales Some small weights
One_____ os soap

In the cooke Roome
4 potts, 1 kettle, 1 skillet, 1 frying pann
1 pair of hand Pr______ one gridiron
2 brass chandlstickes 4 pinn ones
3 dishes 13 basons one and eight (?) plates & a pcel of
old pewter & pt potts
2 wooden Morters one iron do
3 pudding panns one dripping pann
4 smoothing irons one spitt
Paites (?) 2 piggins & 2 trivetts
3 small hoope gold rings
1 ___ sadle & furniture halfe worne 2 mans sadle new covered

In the __ward roome
1 barrell of flower
2 Coole drinke tubbs 2 boules
1 old flock bed & bolster
1 old safe

In the yard
3 water caskes 2 rum caskes
Some wearing cloathes sold for
five _______ _______
2 English Duckes
the half of 19 goates 6 kidds in comp with Coles
12 goates at Mr. _______
The half of one wherry
one Cansa
One negro & 2 Pickaninnies
One Indian boy & girl
9 M_______ ______ at pasture
126 dunghill fowles 1 brown ducke
226 sheep & lamgs in ptnership wth Mrs Cole (one half) is 113
One ____ing horse one maire
one half of the cart
4 ______ 2 horses 4 axes one crosscut saw & ______ one hand saw

00 12 00
00 06 09


00 12 06
00 08 00
00 07 06
00 11 00

08 00 00
04 10 00
00 08 00
00 07 06
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00 10 00
00 07 06
49 05 07½
08 00 00
01 00 00
00 15 00
02 10 00
05 00 00

04 00 00
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00 12 00
01 00 00
01 05 00

03 00 00
00 07 06
00 05 00

02 13 00
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01 05 00
00 12 00
00 10 00
00 05 00

02 00 00
01 00 00
01 10 00
00 06 00
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04 00 00
06 00 00
09 00 00
35 00 00
35 00 00
05 00 00
07 10 00
60 00 00
12 00 00
03 00 00
02 10 00

£373 14 04½

Dated October 15, 1689
James Risber
Edward Harding