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Inventory of John Kent

Vol. 3. Fol. 60-63
John Kent

Signed/Sealed January 5, 1687/8

Invoice and appraisement of severall goods found in the hands of Mr. John Kent at his decease and by his last will left in the hands of Wm Hall of Port Royall

For the accompt of Mr. Henry Chapman

N4:3 ___ bone lace a 10 6
25:4½a 7s6
9:5½a 3s
11:5a 3s
19:8½a 1s1d
20:9¼a 1s2
8:3 15/16a 5s2
20:5½a 2sFor the accompt of Mr. George Woodford
1:54½} 101 yd Flannel a 14d
charges on board

For acctt. of Mr. Jasper Chapman
3:24½} 6 ps cloth: qt 145½ a 6s6
charges on board

For the acctt. of Mr. Henry Chapman
26:¼} 5 ps blew linnen qt 127¼ yd a 6d½

26:3} 5 ps white ozenbriggs qt 131½ ells a 9d

70: } 2 ps browne qt 138¼ a 8½

8 gunns
2 pair pistolls
2 pair moulds to cutt the Bullett
his part of the chest
charges on board
2 gunns more at 25s

For acctt. of Mr. Xtopher Smith
N1:9 yds of ribbon a 2s
2:8¼ ditto a 1s9
3:11 5/8 ditto
4:5¼ ditto a 1s10
5:18¼ a 1s2
6:7¼ a 1s2
7:5¼ a 1s4
8:5½ a 1s1
9:__ a 9d
10:14¼ a 1sd
12 one suite knotts
13 one ditto
14:one do
15:one single knotts
16:one suite knotts
17:one ditto
18:10½ yds ribbon a 12d
19:6½ yds purple ribbon a 9
20:6½ yds do
21:45a 8
22:17½a 6
23:26a 8
24:10¼a 6
25:31 171a 5
26:17 171a 6
27:10a 9
28:4 ps black 2d satin a 12s
29:4 ps ditto a 10s
30:8 ps a 7s
1:2 fanns a 15s
2:4 a 7s6
3:6a 4s
4:one do
5:3a 2s6
6:6a 4s
7:4a 5s
8:2a 2s6

One Booke The Lovers Watch £3s
One Rochesters poems £3s/6
Ouid’s Epistles 4s
One double cuckold 2s
2 Gallants Confidents 4s
6 Playes 7s6

charges on board

N1:one gray laced suite
2:one ditto
3:one gauze suite
4:one do
5:2 do
6:3 flowered gauze hoods
more charges on board

For accompt of Mr. Thomas Bye
N1:one french fringe bed
2:one do
3:one french fringe for a bed
4:one do
5:one do
one box

For acctt. of Mr. Henry Chapman & the deceased John Kent
One barrel of Iron worke contain
18 falling axes a 15s p dozen
12 narrow howes
18 broade a 18s pr dozen
2: carpenters axes a 2s3
2: Do larger a 2s9
1: dozen backe bills
6: stocke locks N. 1
6: dittoN. 2
6: dittoN. 3
6: ditto N. 4
6: pair sad irons
4: m 10d:nailes a 4s4
10: m Flatt 4d a 20
6: padlocks
6: ditto
6: plate stock lockes
12: box handle marking irons
one groce sail needles
½ groce bolt rope needles
12: boxe horse locks

in a firkin N:2
10: groce 8d nails a 3s6
13; groce 6d a 2s6
caske a 1s3
charges on board
four½ barrels of powder a 46s
the barrells

for the sole acctt. of the deceased
8 dozen men’s thread hose a 2s5
2 dozen womens a 2s
4 dozen mens cotton a 3s1
one dozen womens a 2s5 p pr
freight and other charges
3 lb twine a 44s pr
freight & customs
for Paper bookes quills & penknifes
5 lb nuttmeggs
4 lb nunns thread N6:10 a 6s6
6N8 a 8s6
2 N9 a 10s
2 dozen white tape a 7s

freight & custome of thread &
3 pounds hanked silke a 14s6
N1:4 yds¼ bone lace a 15s
2:2 yds a 14s
3:3 yds a 11s6
5:4¼ a 8s
6:6 a 6s4
7:6 a 5s4
10:3 a 2s4
13:3 a 4s6
14:6½ a 2s
12:5 a 1s7
15:4 a 3s6
16:1 a 7d
17:4½ a 10
18:8 a 9
21:6½ a 1s4
22:4 a 1s6
23:8 a 9
24:3 a 4s
25:12 a 6d
26:6 a 1s1
29:7 a 10d
30:7 a 1s
31:4 11/10 a 16s

1:18 ordinary quoifes
2:4 ditto a 1s9
3:1 ditto
4:done do
5:6 dresses a 1s9
6:2 flowered peakes
9:2 do
8:one catts gutt peake
9:one do
10:12 ditto
11:one catts gutt dresse
12:one flowered dresse
13:one dresse
14:one do
15:one ditto
16:two hoods
17:12 mazerin hoods a 2s5
18:8 double dresses of gauze a 2s8
19:7 single dresses a 2s

one suite knotts
6 do a 1s9
one do a 3s4
one do
one do
one do
8 knotts
4 knotts a 2s6
9 yds ribbon a 4d
52 yds do a 4½
custome & freight

1: 16 dozen white kidd gloves
2: 18 dozen wash leather
freight & customs

9: 24 yds }
8: 24¼ } 2 ps cloth qt 48¼ yds a 13s
fright & custome

One chest soape qt 1s12 _ a 3s4
Frieght & Custome

8 gunns a 25s
one pair moulds to cutt the bulletts
cleansing one pair pistolls
cleansing one pair pocket pistolls
cleansing one pair do
one chest for the guns
winding plate
freight & customs
2000 needles a 8s
2½ barrells mum

his wearing apparell and linnen
3 pistolls
Sea Instruments
One prospective glasse
one spoon & cup & scale
one hat & perriwig
one empty case
one old hamock
14½ new pewter
20:li of old pewter

01 01 06
01 13 09
00 16 06
00 15 00
00 09 02½
00 11 04½
01 00 04
00 11 00


05 17 10
00 05 02

47 08 09

03 10 00

03 08 04

04 18 08

04 18 03

10 00 00
03 00 00
00 10 00
00 04 06
02 14 00
02 10 00

00 18 00
00 14 06
— 01 04
00 09 07
01 12 09
00 08 06
00 07 00
00 06 10
00 06 00
00 18 01
00 18 05
00 10 00
00 07 06
00 07 06
00 04 00
00 05 00
00 05 00
00 10 06
00 04 10
00 04 10
01 10 00
00 08 09
00 17 04
00 05 04
00 13 02
00 08 09
00 07 06
02 08 00
02 00 00
02 16 00
01 10 00
01 10 00
01 04 00
00 05 00
00 07 06
01 04 00
01 00 00
00 05 00

01 04 00

00 10 02

01 04 00
01 00 00
00 14 00
00 07 00
01 00 00
00 09 00
00 02 00
00 06 09

01 15 00
01 15 00
01 10 00
01 00 00
01 15 00
00 01 06
01 05 06

01 02 05
00 10 00
00 09 06
00 04 06
00 05 06
00 12 00
00 02 08
00 03 09
00 04 09
00 06 03
00 10 06
00 17 04
00 16 03
00 02 06
00 03 09
00 06 00
00 06 06
00 09 00
00 08 00
00 07 03
00 02 00

01 19 00
01 12 06
00 01 03
00 18 00
04 12 00
00 04 00

11 12 00
02 06 00
07 08 00
01 09 00
01 10 00
06 12 00
00 15 00
00 12 00
01 13 04
01 06 00
02 11 00
01 00 00
00 14 00

01 05 00
02 03 06
03 03 09
01 08 00
01 14 06
01 14 00
01 18 00
01 12 00
00 07 00
00 13 06
00 13 00
00 07 04
00 14 00
00 06 05
00 03 09
00 06 00
00 08 08
00 06 00
00 06 00
00 12 00
00 06 00
00 06 00
00 05 00
00 07 00
03 15 00

00 18 00
00 07 00
00 01 02
00 02 04
00 10 06
00 05 00
00 06 08
00 04 06
00 02 06
00 14 00
00 08 06
00 07 06
00 09 00
00 08 00
00 08 00
00 13 06
01 19 00
01 01 04
00 14 00

00 03 06
00 10 06
00 03 04
00 03 08
00 03 00
00 04 00
00 12 00
00 10 00
00 03 00
00 19 00
01 10 00

05 08 00
09 00 00
01 00 00

31 04 00
01 00 00

02 13 05
00 10 00

10 00 00
00 04 00
00 04 00
00 06 00
00 02 06
00 05 06
00 03 06
00 15 00
00 17 00
03 10 00

08 00 00
01 10 00
00 15 00
00 05 00
00 10 00
00 10 00
01 15 00
00 05 00
00 05 00
00 10 10
00 12 06

£317 00 03½

5th January 1687/8

John Niclaes
Richard Morse