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Inventory of Jonathan Woods

Vol. 3. Fol. 408
Jonathan Woods, Port Royal

Entered January 7, 1692/3


Two pr of gold buttons & some silver in a purs
In money
39 ounces of silver
11 pr of silk stockings
11 pr of worsted stockings
24 yds of silke
10 yds of silke
an old cane with a silver head
345 yds of ozenbriggs
two hamakers
15 sheetes
two table cloths
17 napkins
23 pillobers
3 curtins & 3 aprons
5 sheats
13 pair of thred stockings
6 neccloths
two women shifts
one pettecoat
some old rags
one Bible
a parcell of silke
Browne thread
an old ticken for a bed & 3 bolsters 3 pillows cases and
a saddle cloth
an old coat and a hatt
13 yds of Callico
__ yds of Callico
Bed feathers
14 pr of cross garnets
3 locks & keys
19 hoes
3 pair of hinges
2 beame & one stilyards & 3 curtain rods
4 small whips
a parcell of bridles holestar straps & girts
2 old quilts and a night gound
one Cubard and one old chest
a perriwig & some small things
One table Cloth
03 00 00
503 00 03½
08 15 06
03 06 00
00 06 10
03 00 00
00 12 06
00 07 06
08 12 06
01 15 00
09 00 00
00 15 00
00 10 07½
00 11 06
00 10 00
00 15 00
00 07 06
00 06 00
00 10 00
00 05 00
00 01 03
00 05 00
01 10 00
00 05 00


00 15 00
01 00 00
00 08 01½
00 13 00
00 10 00
01 08 00
00 06 03
01 00 00
00 03 00
00 03 06
00 02 06
00 07 06
00 05 00
00 05 00
00 05 06
00 01 09


£555 12 01

Will Kujsius
John Bowman