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Inventory of Joshua Bright

Vol. 3. Fol. 362-366
Joshua Bright, Port Royal Merchant
Entered September 1690


Mony in cash
Apparoll lynnon and woolen
a sword and belt
a womans gowne 10 pr silk hose damaged }
1 ps flowered east Indian silk }
14 8/20 Oz of silver at
2 gunns
A prcll of goods particulars as per Inventory of John Wildboro dcsd.
being appraised as _________
____ of a prcll of Goods Particulars as per Inventory of John Wildboro dcsd being appraised as ___ ½ acct. Wildboro and ½ acct. Bright
a tankard at ______ _______ _______
gold 3 pr shirt buttons and 3 rings at 76. 21 at 5 ___ Ounce
4 ps 8/8 one of which light
388 lb piamento at __ poundThe above mencioned ther proper Estate of Joshua Bright
the following goods are appraised as on acct of each person thereunto mencioned

Upon acct of Henry Coward deceased
_______ 20 fabric entries (difficult to read) ____________
16 pound sealing wax
9 gross hare buttons
1 Doz of pins
7 li fine thread at 9s p pound
1 li of thread
25 pr mens silk hose at 10s p
47 ps gold and silver lace vallued at
8 Doz and 10 pr boys & girls gloves at 7s p
9¾ Doz mens and womens gloves at 10s p
2 li light colored silk at 17s 6d p
37 pr mens silk hose
10 doz womens thred hose
22 gold and silver shapes
117 ps white lace vallued at
8 score pair damaged woolen hose
23 doz and 11 Spanish felts at 30 p doz
Color curtains and Hangings
2 cases of spirritts one almost empty
2 ps narrow alamode qt 142 yd at 3
Divers medicines in several boxes
7¾ doz boyes french falls at 15
a bedstead curtains vallance Camblett lind with East India silke vallance
2 chest of drawers
5 li of pewter at 7d½ p li
3 paper books

On Acct. of Alexander Hosea
11¾ gross gimp lace (?) at 3s6d p gro
16½ yds silver gimp
8¾ doz silver gimp at 1s6d p
12 yds ditto broad
6 yards silver lace No. 22 at 9s p
18 yds ditto No. 1 at 10d p yd
30 yards do No. 2 Damaged
8¾ ounces silver galleans at 3s6d p ounce
3 li of silke 1 pound being damaged
a pcel of silk buttons

On Acct. of William Theed
30 doz of Ozenbrigg stockings at 8s p doz
15 Doz mens coarse worsted hose at 2s4 p doz
4¼ Doz finer at 3s6 p doz
1¼ Doz damaged
11 Doz mens thread hose at 3s0 p
1½ doz womens Do at 2d0 p
2 Doz childrens Do at 7s6d
11 pr womens Silke hose at 5s p
6 Doz womens Silke gloves 4s p

On Acct of Tho. Charleton
26 gross ordinary Gump buttons
11 Do small hare
12 Do ordinary thread
2 Doz broad Diaper Tape
2 doz broad diaper tape at 1s5 p
1 6/4 dooz narrow do at 5s p doz
2 doz open tape at 2s6d p
2 doz cullan (?) tape at 3s p doz
4 li of blew thread at 2s6d p li
7 doz of pinns at 5s p doz
3 ps 14d taffety ribbon at 18 p ps
3 ps 12d do at 15
5 ps 10d do at 12
10 ps 8 do at 9
9½ ps 10d figured ribbon at 9s p
5½ ps 6d do at 6s p
4 li ¼ fine thread at 8s p li

On Acct. of Stephen Mason
5 ps of ppetts at 2s5 per
3 doz thread hose at 3s0 p doz
8 ps damaske 17s 6d p
1 doz of womens thred hose

On Acct John Crowe
4 ps of silke qt 100 yards at 6s p yd

On acct. Edwd Sander
5 ps Crapes and Gawes 20s
3 ps Damaged Stuffes at 20s

On Acct. William Mingham
69 Pintados & Carpetts at 5s p
1 box of broken Pictures
1 Box of Mapps Charts &c
7 Castors at
9 Beavers 2s5
14 Doz of shoos at 5s p doz
2 ps 4d taffety ribbon at 4s p
1 ps 8d do at
2 ps 10d ditto at 12s p
1 ps 14d do at 18s
3½ ps 10d figured ribbon at 8s p
a Box of Hare powder

On Acct Morris Thomas King
7 ps of sikle qt 208 yds at 3s p yard
5 ps ditto qt 128 yds ½ at 4s p yard
4 ps do qt 64¼ yds at 6s p yd
11 ps four penny taffety ribbon at 4s p
9 ps 6d do at 5s p
5 ps 8d do at 8s p
__ ps 12d do at 1s2 p
10 li of silke
2 ps damaged crape at 10s
6 doz livery lace at 3s p doz
2 ps silke qt 61 yds at 2s p

On Acct John Drake
7 ps of stufes qt 234 yds at 4s p

On Acct. Thomas Howell
5 ps silver and gold lace 3 yds at 3s
10 yds at 2s
6 yards
3 yards at 12s p

On Acct John Rust
3 ps lace qt 21¾ yds at 7s p
3 ps do qt 36 yds at 5s p
7 li of silke at 15s p li
54 gross of buttons at 3s6d p
3½ ps 8d figured ribbon at 8s p
3 ps 18d do at 20s p ps

On Acct Saml Burlingham
3 damaged crapes
4½ doz mens silke hose at 8s p
20 yds silke at 4s6d p yd
9 pr silke gloves at 5s p pr

On Acct John Lane
1 ps woolen cloath qt 12 yds at 13s

On Acct William Chambers
12 ps 6d taffety ribbon at 5s p
4 ps 8d do at 8s p
2 ps 6d figured ribbon at 8d p
8 ps 3d ferretts at 3s p
1 ps galloone (?)

On Acct. Caleb Trenchfield
3 ps silke quantity 66 yds at 6s p yd
26 ps of silke vallued at

On Acct Selatine Bernadstone
5 ps stript East India Silke at 3s5 p
26 yds ___________ at 3s
3 ps damaged silke
2 sashes
1 ps white silke

On Acct Phillip LaBank
70 dozen mens and women Laced Gloves
28 dozen mens and womens wash gloves at 7s
22 dozen boys and girls laced gloves
2 dozen mens and womens black damaged at
9 dozen halfe handed Childrens at 2s6d
1 dozen boys wash
16 pr mens and womens black laced at 6d p pr

On Acct Rich.d Seale
2 doz mens black _______ at 3s6 p doz
7 casters at 5s p

On acct Jno Overing
14½ doz knives
246 doz Sissers

On Acct Edw.d Wildbose
one waste coate

On Acct Jos. Wildbose
one caske of Damaged _____ds

On Acct. Jn Garlick
a parcell of hoods &c one wastecoate

On Acct Samuel Jones
13 pr silke top stockings at 10s p pr
17 pr womens silke hose at 5 s p
1 doz womens thred hose
1 doz childrens thred hose
4 li Collared Silke at 1s5 p li

On Acct Wm. Talbott
15 stirrup irons 9 brushes 6 maine combs
5 pr holster caps
299 L____ at 6d p
4 old sadles and furniture

On Acct Edward Fenwick
20 quilts for beds
12 pr spanish hose

On Acct. Joseph Lynsey
2 ps damaged silke

On Acct William Beston
2 bailes of picture canvas

On Acct. Madam Guy
20 iron wwhipp saws a pcoll of augers one iron pott a bundle of steele (?)
a pcell of lead 2 bundles half truss hoops

On Acct. Capt. Jn Robinson
money in his cash chest as by a note

These following goods nott knowne on whose acct they are
146 Spanish felts & casters at 2s p
34 English felts and C______ at 2s p
6 Caster hatts at 3s6d p
3 packetts Cypress at 40 p
4 yds Turkey gaws at 3
7 ps Muslings
a bundle of hoods and gymp lace
6 yds silke at 6s p
14 ps East India silke at 3s p
76 yds Sarsenetts at 7s p yard
24 yds holland at 2s p
1 ps stuffe
2 ps frizoneer at 10s
1 li blew thread
2 yds silke
4 ps 4d taffety ribbon at 3s p
3 pr buckles
2 ps stuffes
29 yds silke at 5s p
11½ yards avenian damaged
1 reame painted paper
a box ribbon shoos &c
a trunk old lost shoos damaged hoods casts musling cravatts cards
buttons and gloves
1 hambrow chock damaged
6 ps white callico
22 old Fanns
15½ pair of shoos at 1s5
4 boxes with hoods cravatts &c
31 gross gymp buttons
2 doz diape tapes
12 gross of thead buttons
8 gross small silver buttons
29 doz of cards
a Box with little lead Toyes
32 pr thread hose damaged
6 ps spannish silke
25 li collrd thread at 18d p li
5 ps cotton ribbon
4 bundles thread
a pcoll of Carpenters tools and hoes &c
a pcoll sword blades and scabbards
a pcoll of hoods scarves necklaces combs pendants buckles &c
a pcoll of glass bottles broaken pipes
presses & counters
one worme

On Acct Robt. Bristowe
7 caskes and one box callowing

176 10 00
04 00 00
03 00 0003 00 00
03 19 02
03 10 00

29 18 09

09 02 06
09 03 —
04 04 04½
01 00 00
29 02 —

— — —
— — —
00 06 00
03 03 00
00 02 06
12 10 00
135 00 00
03 01 10
04 17 06
01 15 00
12 19 00
12 10 00
02 04 00
223 17 00
10 00 00
35 17 06
01 10 00
00 12 06
21 06 00
05 00 00
05 16 03
15 00 00
02 00 00
01 11 10½
03 00 00

01 09 04½
00 04 00
00 12 01½
00 10 00
02 14 00
00 15 00
00 07 06
01 10 07½
01 10 00
00 05 00

09 04 00
18 00 00
07 13 00
00 12 00
16 10 00
01 10 00
00 14 00
02 15 00
18 00 00

03 18 00
01 13 00
00 08 00
01 10 00
00 08 09
00 05 00
00 06 00
00 10 00
01 15 00
02 14 00
02 05 00
03 00 00
04 10 00
02 08 00
04 05 06
01 13 00
01 14 00

06 05 00
04 10 00
07 00 00
01 05 00

30 00 00

05 00 00
03 00 00

17 05 00
00 15 00
02 00 00
04 04 00
03 15 00
03 10 00
00 08 00
00 08 00
01 04 00
00 18 00
01 08 00
00 05 00

31 04 00
25 14 00
18 19 06
02 04 00
02 05 00
02 00 00
01 04 00
07 10 00
01 00 00
00 18 00
06 02 00

40 16 00

04 10 00
10 00 00
06 00 00
02 00 06

07 12 03
09 00 00
05 05 00
09 09 00
01 08 00
03 00 00

02 10 00
21 12 00
04 10 00
02 05 00

07 16 00

03 00 00
01 12 00
00 16 00
01 04 00
00 05 00

19 16 00
120 00 00

06 05 00
03 18 00
03 00 00
00 10 00
01 00 00

35 00 00
09 16 00
05 10 00
03 00 00
01 02 06
00 05 00
00 08 00

05 08 00
01 15 00

01 09 00
15 07 06

01 00 00

00 08 00

03 00 00

06 10 00
04 05 00
01 05 00
01 00 00
03 00 00

00 12 00
00 05 00
07 09 06
01 10 00

30 00 00
03 06 00

00 10 00

41 10 00

10 00 00

70 04 00

14 12 00
03 08 00
01 01 00
06 00 00
00 12 00
07 00 00
00 10 00
01 16 00
02 02 00
26 12 00
02 08 00
00 15 00
01 00 00
00 02 00
00 05 00
00 12 00
00 01 00
02 05 00
07 06 00
00 12 00
00 07 00
00 07 06

01 00 00
00 10 00
02 00 00
00 10 00
00 — 00
01 00 00
01 00 00
00 10 00
00 08 00
00 02 06
01 09 00
00 10 00
02 13 00
01 10 00
01 17 06
00 10 00
00 10 00
02 00 00
01 00 00
01 10 00
02 00 00
00 08 00
03 00 00

05 00 00

£2324 01 04½

24th September 1690

S. Foxley
James Rowe