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Inventory of WIlliam Neal

Vol. 3. Fol. 329-330
William Neal, Port Royal Cooper

Signed/Sealed January 24, 1689/90


In Ready Cash both silver and Gold
Six negro men at 27 each
Three pickaninnies or young negroes
four canoas
A Kettle & Iron Crock
A prcll of old pewter
A Copper funell four candlesticks & a mortar
four potts and a frying pann
Lead and Brass weights
Seaven water casks unfinished
foure Iron halfe hundreds
Twenty six Runletts at 2s6d p pc
An old iron beame & Scales & a brass paire of
schales with a beame
foure old rum cask
A cott with old bedd & boulster
Ten gallons rum
a bound wooden funnell
one olde chest & two stooles
Two water casks & three old tubbs
A Chest of Drawers
Three Chests
foure truncks
Two cane chaires & two old Chaires
a bible & lattin dictionary & old books
a proll of very old lynnin
fourteen ounces and ¼ of plate at 5s
a small silver dram cup
Coopers tooles very olde
Twenty ounces of old Rack mony
More two negroe women
374 04 00
162 00 00
40 00 00
50 00 00
02 10 00
01 05 00
01 00 00
01 15 00
01 10 00
02 10 00
01 05 00
03 05 00


00 15 00
02 00 00
01 05 00
00 10 00
00 05 00
00 10 00
01 05 00
01 05 00
02 00 00
01 05 00
01 00 00
00 10 00
00 05 00
03 11 03
00 02 06
00 10 00
05 05 00
44 00 00

£707 07 09

Richard Bath
Thomas Watson